If You Mess Up Only the Penitent Can You Reset and Try Again

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Settings, Personalization, Offset

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Settings, Personalization, Offset

That comment is completely irrelevant, unhelpful, and does non reply the question.

I am familiar with that page, and it does not have a "reset to default" button anywhere.

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Out of the box default is not full screen.  Plow off Full screen.

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Out of the box default is not full screen.  Turn off Full screen.

I am not sure that I sympathise what "full screen" has to do with "reset first card to default".

I want to have the default out-of-the-box Start Carte du jour content and layout restored.

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After each build update all login accounts are reset dorsum to OOBE (out of box experience).

If you create a new user you as well become OOBE (out of box experience).

Maybe try How to backup or reset the offset carte in Windows x


While the customization options are useful, it needs to be noted that the Windows 10 Preview does not ship with options to reset the layout or restore it.

The system's reset or refresh characteristic may do the trick just these options take other consequences and should non exist start selection because of this.

The Winaero website published two methods to reset or backup the outset carte layout in Windows 10.

Backup the start carte du jour in Windows 10

  1. Tap on the start menu button, blazon cmd, agree downwardly Ctrl and Shift, and click on cmd.exe to load an elevated command prompt.
  2. Type cd /d %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\
  3. Keep that Window open and exit the Explorer trounce. To do and then, hold downwards Ctrl and Shift again, right-click the taskbar later, and select Go out Explorer.
  4. Now type the command and hit enter copy appsFolder.itemdata-ms c:\backup\*.*
  5. This backs up the file in the fill-in folder on the c: bulldoze.
  6. Yous tin restart Explorer over again now by using Ctrl-Shift-Esc to open the Chore Manager, selecting File > Run New Task and typing explorer.exe there.

Restore the offset menu once more

  1. To restore the backed upwards start menu once again, open up an elevated command prompt as outlined above and use exit explorer as well.
  2. Type copy /y c:\backup\appsFolder.itemdata-ms "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\appsFolder.itemdata-ms" afterwards to supersede the current version with the backed up version.

Reset the start bill of fare layout in Windows 10

Practice the following to reset the layout of the start menu in Windows 10 and so that the default layout is used.

  1. Open up an elevated command prompt every bit outlined in a higher place.
  2. Type cd /d %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\ and hitting enter to switch to that directory.
  3. Get out Explorer. To practise so hold down Shift and Ctrl, right-click on the Windows taskbar, and select the option from the context menu.
  4. Run the following 2 commands subsequently. If yous want to exist on the safe side of things, dorsum them up first before you lot do that./li>
  5. del appsfolder.menu.itemdata-ms
  6. del appsfolder.menu.itemdata-ms.bak
  7. Restart the Explorer process as outlined in a higher place.

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Hi Max,

One of the things that I think is being done with this new build and probably with the side by side is to carry forrard the Start Carte du jour from the previous Win 8.ane builds.

My upgrades from 10166 and 10162 take started with the full screen if that was what I was on when the upgrade was done with simply the App tiles that I had there with the exception of the Insider Hub.

Currently upgrading from a build of 10162 that was on an ISO burned to DVD.

If this answers your question - So mark information technology so. Then others may find it.
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That no longer works Max. Those files do not be.

note: None of my accounts have ever had the Get-go Carte du jour reset to the OOB on upgrade between builds. Just thing i have constitute that works is resetting windows.

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Then is at that place any solution for this? I don't have any tiles on my kickoff screen, and not by option! Upgrading builds acquired me to lose my customizations. I'd be thrilled simply to have back the default tiles and system.

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Can you just pin those to the Start that you want out of All apps?

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I join MrHinsh and MarcusRivera in asking the same question:
How can one reset the Windows 10 Start carte du jour to default settings/layout?
Forget nearly the refresh Windows x pick. That's really not an option.
LawrenceCrumb comments/suggestions are way off the mark.
Anyone, please?

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Source: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/all/how-can-i-reset-windows-10-10240-start-menu-to/e803411c-f3ca-4c2a-95cf-fd70fb94fc8c

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