Is It Free to Upload Podcasts to Itunes

Set up to get-go a podcast merely not certain what's all involved?

In this mail service you'll learn get a clear overview that reveals how to publish a podcast.

We'll talk virtually using a good hosting platform, podcast directories and much more.

If yous want video tutorials that show step by step how to book guests, how to script and tape, how to edit and publish in detail, click hither and get the course I'm personally studying to grow my podcast.

If you just want the wide overview, let'south jump in!

Step 1: Go Your Audio Recorded

get audio recorded

You can do this in a number of unlike ways. Since I create all of my podcasts from YouTube videos, I actually apply a site called ''

This is a uncomplicated downloader that you can use to download YouTube videos to your computer.

Now, this tool will merely let you download the video equally an MP4. So so, you can become in and use VLC Media Player to convert the file to an MP3 and salvage it that fashion.

Here's the skilful news...

These are both free programs, so it doesn't cost anything.

If you are recording your videos direct to sound and are not recording a video showtime, then you obviously won't have to bother with ripping the sound off of a video.

In that location are ii like shooting fish in a barrel ways to become started with recording your sound. It could be as uncomplicated asrecording a podcast on your smartphone, or you couldbuy a microphone, download audio software, and record the audio direct to your reckoner.

Speed vs quality...

A smartphone is faster, but recording to your computer will probably result in better-quality audio. Either method can work though, peculiarly at first!

Gear For Your Podcast

If y'all want to publish via your smartphone, you will demand…

  • A recording app
  • A pair of headphones
  • Recommended upgrade is this lavalier mic for smartphones

And that is about it! For the recording app, you can employ an app called Voice Recorder HD. This app is bachelor on Apple tree and Android phones, and is very popular for recording podcasts on a smartphone.

For headphones, anything volition work… equally long as you can hear yourself.

Simply well-nigh your telephone...

If you Practice tape your podcast on a phone, you will also need to upload the file to your figurer for editing. Yous can use Dropbox for this, or yous can plug your telephone directly into your computer and upload it that way.

If you program to record using your calculator, then y'all will demand…

  • A USB Mic
  • Recording Software
  • Headphones

In that location are plenty of USB microphones out there that you tin use for this. If y'all Google 'USB Mic for Podcasting,' you will come up up with all kinds of options, this is the one I started with.

Other Considerations

As for software, we will talk more well-nigh that in a moment… merely for most new podcasters, you can download Audacity.

Information technology is gratuitous, it is piece of cake to apply, and information technology volition do everything you lot need to get started. You tin even create your intro and outro with Audacity. New podcasters will find this especially useful, well get into that more than later.

There is a scrap of a learning bend with it. Merely with a bit of practice, you should exist good to go to record and edit your podcast files, regardless of whether you recorded it on your phone or on your computer.

Either style, yous will need to end up with a MP3 sound files that you can utilise to start the audio process.

Next, we move on to editing.

Step 2: Create An Intro And An Outro

create an intro and outro

If you mind to many podcasts, yous will quickly realize that most podcasters have specially designed intros and outros for their podcast shows.

These are normally 10 to fifteen seconds long, and may combine elements like music, a vocal introduction, some cool sound effects, etc.

The Start & The Finish

At that place are ii main goals with intro and outro sound files.

  1. They provide common-theme segways into and out-of your podcast episodes...
  2. They help to make your podcasts and make them recognizable to listeners for you the podcast host!

You can easily create your intros and outros yourself past using free sounds and music-clips from sites like, recording your ain voice, and editing it all together.

Then, merely save them as MP3 clips to edit onto your podcast files audio. You tin tag them onto the beginning and finish of every podcast.

So heed to some podcasts, gain some inspiration from what other people are doing for intros and outros, and start designing your ain to go along withyour recorded podcast sound!

Stride three: Edit And Salve Your Audio

My wife and I have been using Mixcraft to edit our audio for years. This is a paid tool, though at that place are besides programs like 'Audacity,' which are costless to use.

Go on in mind that editing sound requires some knowledge and practice. But at the stop of the day, the goal of this process is to prepare the audio to publish as a podcast.

At this stage, yous volition want to import 3 pieces of audio into your sound editor for your new episode.

Yous will need…

  1. Your Intro
  2. Your outro
  3. The audio that you recorded(or ripped off of your ain YouTube video) that will serve as the principal torso of audio for your podcast

Now that you accept all three of these vital components loaded into your audio editor, it is time to start editing.

Y'all'll want your intro at the beginning, the podcast in the middle, and the outro at the stop - apparently and simple. Just make certain it all sounds smoothen together. Established podcast directories like to have a quality finished product. Apple podcasts are especially this manner.

Save It As A WAV File

Equally presently as you go done editing your podcast in the sound editor, save it every bit a WAV file. This is a bigger file than an MP3, but there is a reason for why you want to do this.

Level Your Audio Highs and Lows

You can use a free tool called 'The Levelator 2' for this next phase of the process.

What this tool does is information technology levels out all of the audio throughout the track. So, if one part of your WAV file is really loud, and another is really quiet, this tool will automatically balance out those levels to make them all sound awesome and equal with one-another.

It'due south all virtually consistency...

You lot want consistency. You don't want one episode to suddenly be louder than your new episode. Think of popular Apple podcasts - they all have a certain consistency to them.

And the only type of file that the Levelator will accept is a WAV file. You cannot employ MP3s with this tool, which is why y'all will want to save the podcast as a WAV file starting time if you plan to utilise it.

Take The Newly Leveled Audio File And Open up It Support In Your Audio Editor

When you open the file support in your audio editor, yous should come across that all of the levels are nice and even.

Requite it a quick listen, merely to make sure that it doesn't need whatsoever last-minute changes. And then, export it as an MP3.

Export The Sound As An MP3

export audio as mp3

This part is actually pretty of import if you plan to upload your MP3 audio to any hosting platforms that has bandwidth restrictions.

In other words, some platforms charge you more if your files are larger. So at this stage of the process, yous may desire to make your MP3s as small as possible. You want audio files small for podcasting, only not and then small it has poor and "slurry" quality - which would naturally look bad for you the host.

More than About Smaller Files

Simply on the other side... Smaller MP3s too assist the user on their finish of the experience, in a number of unlike ways.

  1. Information technology helps reduce download times
  2. Information technology helps to minimize bandwidth so that the user doesn't blow through information while listening to it
  3. Information technology reduces the odds of buffering during playback, and besides eliminates long download times
  4. It also just makes the audio file easier to handle in-general, thanks to its smaller size

This can ordinarily exist adjusted in your settings as you are getting fix to save the WAV file as an MP3. I usually shoot for the96 kbps option, as this gives you a small file, but still expert enough sound quality that people won't really discover that it has been compressed.

Proceed This In Mind

Over again, you'll have to find the balance here. Don't publish anything that could detract from your brand and you as the host.

Step iv: Add together Tags

add tags

At this point, the bodily podcast audio file is consummate. Now, you lot want to go in and add tags.

For this, you tin use a complimentary tool called

This will help y'all add 'tags' to the actual MP3 file. You want to add tags for the artist, add an image, add a title, etc.

Make information technology expect overnice for the listener...

And what this basically does is it helps it to wait normal when playing on someone's phone.

It will have a dainty big epitome that shows up. Information technology will brandish the title of the episode and the artist's proper name as usual, etc. These metatags volition live right on the audio file, then no matter what device plays the downloaded file, they volition even so testify up.

Keep It Professional

Essentially, you want your overall podcast files to expect professional and normal then that it will create an even better user feel on the listener'southward end!

Then to do this, y'all will want to open the 'MP3 Tag' tool and find your completed MP3 file on your computer.

And then you just click on the file, and fill out all of the tag information you want to make full out. It is super, super simple!

List Of Tags For Your Podcast

You will want to add the following tags to all of your podcast episodes…

  • Title: Title of the episode
  • Creative person: Your proper name
  • Album: The name of your podcast
  • Year: The year the episode was made
  • Genre: Oral communication
  • Album artist: Your name
  • Composer: Your name
  • Prototype: Add a customized 3,000 x three,000 pixel image hither to serve as the cover of the episode. This is actually a very important function of the process!

Once yous go all of this filled out, you can only save information technology… and you lot will now have it all tagged!

This Podcast Episode Is At present Consummate

Once y'all get to this signal, your podcast episode will be complete and set up for uploading to the different platforms you will be using.

Next, you must inquire yourself a very, very of import question.

Where do you get from hither? Where do you go to go your podcast uploaded and heard by people?

Let's talk nearly that next.

Step 5: Cull Podcast Hosting

choose a platform

This is a very of import choice that you need to take pretty seriously when starting a podcast. There are and so many different podcast hosting platforms available to upload your podcast to.

You tin also upload it to multiple platforms, of course. But what is the best way to become started with podcasting?

Easy. You demand to choose a host. A host is simply where you will shop the MP3 file that yous've just created to exist your podcast episode.

But what's the best i?

I accept been using Libsyn for quite some time now, and I really similar them. You will desire to pay for pro-level hosting with this platform, as it is More than worth it. Their basic parcel starts at only $five a month, and they are super reliable.

In fact, if you use my name "Miles" when you lot sign up for information technology, you tin can even become the rest of the current calendar month and the next month gratis of accuse!

Benefits of Libsyn

In that location are iv main reasons for why I similar Libsyn.

  1. They have a player that embeds really neatly on my weblog/website
  2. Their custom WordPress plugin works quite well
  3. They offer a ton of awesome features that make publishing my podcast super piece of cake
  4. Their service is super reliable and impenetrable
  5. Spotify and Itunes syndication are built into the platform!

Anyhow, there are a lot of options out there for podcast hosting. But I have tried a few and have stuck with Libsyn.

Existent Quick Almost Anchor

Anchor is another podcast hosting platform/tool to consider. They will do all of the RSS feed url stuff for you. When you are ready to publish an episode all you'll have to do is click submit and it'southward sent out to dozens of feeds instantly.

Exist aware...

The problem with ballast is that sometimes places like iTunes Apple tree podcasts or the Spotify hosting platform demand special permissions. Each hosting platform is different merely if y'all are looking to podcast for gratuitous only to get experience so this may be a good identify to get-go.

Stride 6: Upload Your Podcast And Optimize

upload and optimize

Uploading your podcast to Libsyn could not be easier. Y'all simply click the 'upload' button at the top of the screen, choose your file, and go with it.

At this signal, if you accept already filled out your tags, a lot of the metadata information will already be recorded.

But you still need to go in and fill out the 'Additional Tags.' You will also need to fill out the description.

Podcast Optimization Tips

Here are some tips that will assistance you to optimize these things for maximum effectiveness and visibility.

  • Choose boosted tags that your target audition would exist searching for
  • Write out a brief, relevant, authentic description of what your podcast episode is nigh
  • Brand sure to include each one of your boosted, episode-specific tags in your description equally well
  • I put links to both the relevant web log mailand YouTube video in the description too, in case my listeners want to check those out. I also link to my website.

As I link to my other content platforms, I spread my 'web' of visibility and influence. And so everyone who sees these could potentially besides follow me on YouTube, or on my blog, etc.

Accept a content strategy...

And this is a huge role of the advantage of using all 3 'pillars' of content marketing, and then linking them all together.

Anyway, this completes the process of uploading and optimizing your Podcast on Libsyn. Next, you want to embed this podcast into your blog, if yous have ane, so that your blog readers can click on the link and easily get access to it.

With your Podcast published on Libsyn, y'all and then desire to go your podcast on iTunes and launch your podcast to multiple platforms.

Pace 7: Embed Your Podcast Link Into Your Blog

embed podcast link into blog

If you don't have a weblog, you may non be concerned with this stride right now. Merely at some bespeak, once you are making use of both of these mediums, you will certainly want to practise this!

This is what will set up good podcast hosts apart from poor ones. Part of podcasting is the marketing side of it. You lot tin can wait an RSS feed to do all the work for you lot. Podcasting washed the right fashion will involve tons of outreach to get your proper name every bit a podcast host out there.

A skillful hosting platform won't actually do much for your overall podcasting. That stride just gets you a spot in the race.

More About Blogs

Anyways dorsum the weblog side of things for podcasting...

If you are using Libsyn... Yous can really utilise a plugin called the "Libsyn Publisher Hub" to accomplish this step.

This WordPress plugin essentially connects your WordPress site to your Libsyn account, and offers a number of crawly features that are designed to brand publishing to WordPress from Libsyn a piece of cake.

It's all connected...

At present, people who visit my blog can also follow this to heed to my podcast. This farther spreads my online 'net' and gives me the power to attract more viewers, build up my brand, and make a name for myself on my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel.

Libsyn besides does a swell job of giving you lot a nice-looking embed paradigm when yous put the podcast on your weblog, which is crawly.


In that location's a lot to doing successful podcasting. Beingness a podcast host sounds wonderful because it seems like all you have to do is interview people and then take watch your iTunes numbers grow.

Just like anything else it takes hard work to push your podcast out in that location, just it's totally worth it once you start building a following. Remember most successful hosts have been at this game for years and years.


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